Back in early 2020, I had both of my bikes stolen off the back porch (you can read the obit here). I’ve since replaced them, with a Surly Troll and a Milwaukee Beltline. Both bikes were customised by me to suit my riding – internally geared hubs for low maintenance and ease of use during winter, among other customisation’s. But the latest customisation’s are the most interesting.

My commute home from work involves a hill with a decent grade for a part of it. Some days, I just didn’t have the gas in the tank to make it all the way up the hill, and had to walk- most days were fine, but some days, no energy. I always thought that if I could just have a little boost for that bit of the ride it would be great. Then along came electric retrofit kits!

I’ve added a mid-motor to the Troll, and a front hub motor to the Beltline. I swap the battery between the bikes as needed. Now, that hill is no problem!!