I know, its been a super long time since I last posted anything to TheSeals.ca.   There’s a lot that has happened since my last post (in 2010!!):  trips to Barbados, Cuba, Italy, Punta Cana, USA, Victoria, Costa Rica, Lisbon, and the latest, to Sweden.  You can check out pictures from these trips (and past ones) at our SealGalleries page.  For the Italy and Sweden trips I kept an online blog to record our experiences: SealsInItaly2012 and SealsinSweden2017.    That’s a fair bit of travel.

We were empty-nesters for a little while when both Martin and Claire were off at University – Martin at Concordia and Claire at Queens.  Martin has now graduated (Philosphy) and staying in Montreal and Claire is back home for a term taking online courses in her third year.  I’m still working at Toronto Hydro, and Lisa is still teaching, this year grade 8.

Lots has happened (including a face-lift to this website), and I hope to keep SealNews a little more up to date in future.  No promises though!